We make you fit in our support in languages and
the success comes by itself! We help online and in person!

What is to fit in job course? 

It is an extra course to help with languages at work. Our teachers will show you how to write emails in your everyday work life, help you with corrections and lead you to error free correspondence. As a result, you’re assured that you can write professional emails and communicate with customers, colleagues and bosses. We will find a teacher for you that will give you advice and make you fit for your every day working life.  This course is available in different languages. Tell us what language you need, and we are here for you!

Who does fit in job course?

If you strive for more success at work, this course is for you. All professionals who want to celebrate success at work, who want to see better results and master the art of time management at work perfectly. That’s why we offer help in different languages. Our motivated teachers are professionals and will help you to reach your goal at work. This course is also helpful if you have difficulties with letters from officials, our teachers will help you to understand these letters, and will help you to formulate a response.

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How does  job course work? 

As with a private course, you get one on one support, either at home or here at Lima Sprachschule, if our rooms are available at your desired time, register for the course and tell us which specific hours and how many participants there will be and what you would like your teacher to help you to improve in your chosen language.

  • Digitales Unterrichtspaket
  • Digitale Ausgaben mit LMS
  • Quizfragen
  • Online-Übungen
  • Download-Material
  • Prüfungsvorbereitungs: TELC, Start Deutsch, Goethe, DFZ
  • Lima Sprachschule Teilnehmer Zertifikat (Es handelt sich nicht um ein Level-Zertifikat, das Sie erst nach einer zertifizierten Prüfung erhalten.)

Online und In Person

Our teachers are completely fit in Cloud Technology, so you can arrange inclusive lessons online, where you can correct texts or presentations together. For example, with Google Drive or One Drive.

You can use the hours you book within a six month time period:

80€ = 2 hours
158€ = 4 hours
234€ = 6 hours
308€ = 8 hours
380€ = 10 hours

If you would like to learn a language intensively, register for our private course!


Sie können den Kurs aber auch für weniger als 4 oder mehrere Wochen buchen. Teilen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche mit und wir werden für Sie die optimale Lösung finden. Schreiben Sie uns: info@lima-sprachschule.de

More information in our AGB´s

Team Lima Sprachschule
