If you want to prepare for a language test such as the TestDaf, we can help you achieve your goal!

In this course we use the same teaching material as in other intensive courses for the preparation of exams and to master the German grammar concepts. Additionally as it is a private course, we have added an intensive training and level test examples for each progress chapter.

We have created these packages with a great hourly price offer!

Twice a week x 4 weeks : Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30pm until 14:00pm  | 16 hours | 4 hours per week | Price: 576€

Three times a week x 4 weeks : Monday, Wednesday und Friday from 12:30pm until 14:00pm  | 24 hours | 6 hours per week | Price: 864€

2 weeks intensive learning : Monday until Friday from 14:00pm until 15:30pm | 20 hours | 10 hours per week | Price: 720€

4 weeks intensive learning : Monday until Friday from 14:00pm until 15:30pm  | 40 hours | 10 hours per week | Price: 1400€ 


What is the 45-hour German crash course 4×4?

  • You are working with the book that corresponds to the course and level you will be doing. (the school doesn’t sell the books)
  • You will receive a 3-format note sheet with which you can comment on the basic grammar points, and you can keep a broad overview of these points as you develop the exercises.
  • You will have an account in our virtual e-learning platform: Moodle, where you can find the slides with the grammatical explanation of the teacher, online exercises and also the online test of each chapter to check whether you have understood the chapter before starting the next chapter.
  • We create a social media group between the students, the teacher and the Lima team; where the student can freely express their doubts or send the material requested by the teacher.
  • If you are unable to attend the course due to work or health problems, you can always attend the course online from your tablet or laptop or cell phone. We offer this option so that the student does not lose the advanced grammar in the course.
  • Spotify: We started with PODCAST, where we can find practical exercises that help us improve pronunciation while memorizing the sequences.

What is the average progress?

In our experience, all students have a different pace but we have come to the conclusion that it is possible to finish a complete chapter + intensive exercises + written exam in 5 hours and 45 minutes. Each level has on average 16 chapters.

What is the difference between this and an intensive German course?

This course is not only for you, there are other students with different paces. The teacher concentrates on preparing you, so that you can achieve your goal.


Why choose to study at Lima Sprachschule?

It is our teachers who make a difference on the market! Our selection of teachers is very particular, because we don’t only want teachers who work from a book. They use further material to supplement the lessons, the preparation for example of Power Points or dynamic

exercises used in classrooms. An important characteristic of our teachers, is their compassion and love of teaching what they’ve learnt. Additionally, we don’t just have native speaking teachers, but also those who have learnt a language as you are now. For us a teacher is not just somebody with teaching experience, but instead someone who knows how it feels to be in the position of the student, and can share small tips and tricks which helped them to learn a language.

niveaustufen lima sprachschule

  • Digitales Unterrichtspaket
  • Digitale Ausgaben mit LMS
  • Quizfragen
  • Online-Übungen
  • Download-Material
  • Prüfungsvorbereitungs: TELC, Start Deutsch, Goethe, DFZ
  • Lima Sprachschule Teilnehmer Zertifikat (Es handelt sich nicht um ein Level-Zertifikat, das Sie erst nach einer zertifizierten Prüfung erhalten.)

What is the progress with this course?

After an assessment, we can determine the grammar that you already know, and the areas, that we need to recap on, to gain a better understanding.
From this moment on, we start advancing through the book depending on the level of the student. The progress can vary, as some themes may be easier and others more difficult. If something is more difficult to understand, we will explain it until you understand.

What is the difference between this course and a private course?

Firstly, it is the price and secondly, the set schedule with this course. In a private course the student decides when and what time the schedule is, and it is possible to cancel the date 24 hours in advance, to arrange another date. In this course, there is a start and an end date, the hours are fixed and the student undertakes to be present at all times.

We have more packages with preparation courses for the TestDaf in Munich. Unique prices for private courses. Our course is best, because we have the best teacher and extra material!
Our language school has a positive atmosphere full of energy and success.
We are motivated to achieve your goal.


Sie können den Kurs aber auch für weniger als 4 oder mehrere Wochen buchen. Teilen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche mit und wir werden für Sie die optimale Lösung finden. Schreiben Sie uns: info@lima-sprachschule.de

Team Lima Sprachschule
